In his small and wonderful book, The Courage to Create, Rollo May illuminates the mysterious, glorious subject of creativity in such a wonderful way. I am in love with his mind and his thoughts. Creativity needs encounter, he says, when something inside us meets the outside world, and something new is born into the world. […]
Moving Gently Forward
Last week, somewhere in the middle of writing my morning pages, starting a yoga routine and consciously taking care of myself, I had a moment of insight that should have been obvious to me before, but wasn’t. This really was “artistic recovery.” […]
Why write?
Writing is nebulous. Sometimes, I think of it as an energy that grows or shrinks as I pay more or less attention to it. Sometimes, it feels like a raw nerve that twitches when I touch it. It electrifies my life. And sometimes, it slips out of my hand and falls into the outer world. […]
Creativity and Risk
I haven’t written for what feels like long centuries. It’s actually been a few weeks, interspersed with a visit by family from India and going out of town for my anniversary celebration. And I have been itching to come back and write again. But when I’ve sat down to form words, my mind feels clamped shut. […]
Being an HSP Writer
Putting myself out there hasn’t been easy for me. When I started this blog, I was scared of criticism, scared of making mistakes. One of my weaknesses is over-thinking, so I tried to control the future with my mind. But after I decided to just do it and see what happens, I have sometimes easily and sometimes, just about hobbled through writing this blog. […]