As highly sensitive people, we can find it hard to make decisions. Our tendency to notice details & to visualize all kinds of possible scenarios is a big part of this.
The fact that we can see so much means that there’s always some ambiguity, always some uncertainty.
As I grow older, I see more clearly that in the past, I have made big decisions at around 70% certainty.
Often, it’s easy for me to see how things can go wrong or that there are so many factors involved.
Also, the more I think, the more there is to consider. So, I never ever reach a 90% or even an 80% certainty for any decision I make.
There are always doubts, always an awareness of different variables.
Often, if I don’t act at 70%, I stall.
One thing I am learning to accept is that most big decisions come with some risk.
At some point, after I have done as much research as I can to get to that 70%, I have to choose to accept that some risk is part of acting, part of living.
️Mind you, getting to that 70% in the first place takes a lot of research, a lot of thinking, a lot of time.
But understanding that my 70% is often what other people consider their 90% has helped me see that this is around the amount of certainty I can reasonably aim for.
This is my threshold, my decision point as an HSP.
At this point, I need to act consciously. Or I run the risk of letting my wheels spin and let myself stall.
Ritu Kaushal is the author of the book The Empath’s Journey, which TEDx speaker Andy Mort calls “a fascinating insight into the life of a highly sensitive person.” Get the book HERE.
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