This Saturday, March 26, I am teaching an online Zoom Dreamwork Workshop through California-based The Journey to Wellness Workshops.
Carl Jung said “The shadow is ninety percent pure gold.”
Sometimes, when we have nightmares or dream of disturbing or disgusting things like death or overflowing toilets, we want to turn away from our inner world.
We think we’ll only find darkness there.
But underneath the refuse, underneath the repressions, there are veins of gold.
If you have always wanted to be a painter or a writer or longed to do something you’re not “allowed to do,” your poet-like and painter-like qualities have also been relegated to the shadow.
And when we confront the dragons — our feelings that we may not be worthy or those voices of “What’s the point?” and “What’s the use?,” we find the raw material from which we can make ourselves anew.
Going down into my dreamworld has been one of the greatest adventures of my life. And if you explore it, I hope it will turn out to be one of the great adventures of yours.
Register for the workshop HERE.
P.S. This will be an intimate space. There’s no recording, so if you would like to share a dream, I hope this will feel like a safe container to share.
As a dark empath and water empath type of person, I do a lot of shadow work and I am looking forward to this workshop
Thank you Bhavini. It was great to have you there. And thank you so much for sharing from your heart.
I would Love To Learn More
Thanks for letting me know – I will keep it in mind as I write/blog more.