I wanted to do this quick post to share an interview I did with the wonderful Dr. Bernard Beitman for his radio show Connecting with Coincidence. Dr. Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to systematize the study of coincidences! Check out the interview here. Details Below.
[Read more…]Archives for January 2020
A Story about Synchronicity.
Synchronicity, according to the great psychologist Carl Jung, is a “meaningful coincidence.” An event happens that is not directly related to the other event, but there’s a meaningful connection between the two.
[Read more…]Register for my free talk in Mountain View, California!
I wanted to do this quick post to tell you guys that I will be speaking at East West Bookshop in Mountain View on the evening of January 27). This is a free event, and you can register by clicking here.
[Read more…]Are you a high sensation-seeking HSP?
I have often felt as if there are two people inside me, one that is stepping on the accelerator and the other that is pushing the brakes. Last year, I wrote a detailed blog post about how I am BOTH a highly sensitive person and a high-sensation-seeker.
[Read more…]Highly Sensitive People are Highly Responsive People.
This month, I am part of Sensitive Evolution’s wonderful series that features articles by 15 experts in the highly sensitive space. Dr. Tracy Cooper, Jacquelyn Strickland, Ane Axford, and Esther Bergsma are some of the featured experts.
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