As highly sensitive people & sensitive creatives, we often feel hesitant to do any kind of self-promotion. It doesn’t feel authentic, and so we often don’t share our work or talent with others.
Talking about ourselves often feels like bragging. Recently, I came across this lovely piece online that clarifies the difference between self-promotion and bragging.
The Difference Between Self-Promotion and Bragging
In this piece, Dara Blaine talks about how self-promotion is “sharing in a way that helps people see how you might be able to help them.” In contrast, bragging is all about yourself and ends up rubbing people the wrong way. Dara also talks about how great relationships are based in reciprocity, in which both parties benefit. If you feel turned off by the idea of promoting yourself, like many sensitive creatives and entrepreneurs, this article will help you see that self-promotion, done right, is about sharing the best of yourself with those who might need it. It’s not about your ego or building yourself up. If you feel hesitant sharing your work, I highly recommend reading this piece.
Expressive Arts as a Way to Release Intense Feelings that can often be a part of the HSP Experience.
As HSPs, empaths, and sensitive creatives, we often feel intensely. Emotional reactivity is one of the traits associated with being highly sensitive. You notice and emotionally react to what is going on around you. For me, my experience with emotional sensitivity has often taken me into deep valleys. One of the ways in which I have learnt to deal with this overflow of feelings is through expressive arts. While I enjoy drawing and art as a creative form, I also use art as a way to get my feelings out. You can do this by using crayons or paint and making a mess on paper, picking out colors that intuitively call to you, and literally moving the feeling out of your body and onto the page. You might be drawn to dark or screaming, chaotic colors. You might want to make a shape on the paper, not knowing why that is pulling at you. This process is not about making high art. It is about expressing what you are feeling. This process is about catharsis.
This is the simplest way to use art for expressing your emotions. There are also many directed ways in which art can help you relate to, understand, and move your feelings. Expressive Art has become an important tool in my toolbox as a highly sensitive person learning to deal with overwhelm and empath fatigue.
Shelley Klammer’s Beautiful Expressive Arts Blog can Help you as a Highly Sensitive Person.
Some time ago, my sister shared this beautiful Expressive Arts blog by Shelley Klammer with me. Shelley offers many directed exercises and also online courses that can help us process our emotions and connect with our intuitive selves. If you are interested in the arts, creativity and writing, this is a truly beautiful blog to follow. Even if you are not interested in any of those things, this is a wonderful blog with tools that can help you feel your feelings and understand them.
What about you? Are there any resources that have helped you as an HSP, empath or sensitive creative?
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Identify 100% , am creative and highly sensitive. Sharing does feel like bragging! an awesome article:)
Thank you! Yes, sharing does feel like that, doesn’t it. I am trying to figure this delicate balance for myself.