In Penney Peirce’s’ book The Intuitive Way, there is a section called “The Language of the Body.” The body is constantly talking to us, but we’ve been so schooled in the language of the mind that we don’t know how to listen to it. We ride rough-shod over what our body is trying to tell us, and instead vote in favor of our mind. Or at least, I do.
But the body’s wisdom has always been there for me, even though I have often chosen to ignore it. It’s been there for you too, even though you might not have recognized it as wisdom.
Penney talks about the unfailing messages that our body gives us: “The body’s language is a binary one — yes and no. You will recognize these messages through feelings of expansion and contraction in your body. When a choice or action is appropriate, safe, and on-target for you, you will experience expanding energy: you may sense energy rising and become active or bouncy. Perhaps you’ll warm to an idea, get lightheaded, or feel flushed with enthusiasm. Have you ever had the hots for someone, or had butterflies of anticipation, or been up for a new adventure? Have you ever said, “I’m leaning toward this option? The body’s yes often feels like health and vitality, even good luck: “I’m rarin’ to go; let me at it!”
Most often, Penney says, we recognize our personal truth by a feeling of deep comfort.
But what happens when something is not right for you? The body’s No is as distinct and recognizable as its Yes. “In fact, most people are more aware of their anxiety signal than their truth signal. When an option or action is unsafe, inappropriate, or off-target for you, you will experience contracting energy: you may feel energy drop, recoil, darken, or tighten. Maybe you’ll act coolly, even coldly, to someone or feel a sinking in the pit of your stomach.”
Learning to tune in to whether the body constricts or expands is a direct way to know whether something is right for us. The mind takes us around in circles but the body focuses in on our only choice. Is it a Yes or a No?
Penney talks about the different ways in which our Truth and Anxiety signals can show up. When something is right for you, you may feel a warm, spreading sensation across your chest. You may feel tears of happiness. You might sense that things are falling in place – a series of “clicks and clunks” as if something is coming together. Another common truth signal is the sudden movement of energy up the spine or along the arms and shoulders, giving the sensation of chills or goose-flesh.
What are the common Anxiety signals? It might be that your energy level drops. You may feel pain in a certain part of your body. Common anxiety signals are a stomachache or nausea, a “pain in the neck,” chest pain, or headaches. You might feel the hair rising along your upper spine and neck.
Listening to your body’s signals is a way to discover what is on-purpose, right and true for you. For me, I think listening to Truth signals is as important as listening to Anxiety signals. While anxiety signals are valuable, sometimes they can be tricky because our fear might be creating them. We have to dig a little deeper to see what they are all about.
But Truth signals are unadulterated in the sense that they point directly to what feels right, expansive and authentic. Whether it is something big or small, it would be worthwhile following our Truth signals. Like a lotus opening, we are becoming larger and unfolding what has till now remained dormant within us.
What are your Truth and Anxiety signals? Have you noticed them recently?
Wonderful webpage you’ve got going here
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